String.prototype.rightChars = function(n){ if (n <= 0) { return ""; } else if (n > this.length) { return this; } else { return this.substring(this.length, this.length - n); } }; (function($) { var options = { highlightSpeed : 20, typeSpeed : 100, clearDelay : 500, typeDelay : 200, clearOnHighlight : true, typerDataAttr : 'data-typer-targets', typerInterval : 2000 }, highlight, clearText, backspace, type, spanWithColor, clearDelay, typeDelay, clearData, isNumber, typeWithAttribute, getHighlightInterval, getTypeInterval, typerInterval; spanWithColor = function(color, backgroundColor) { if (color === 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)') { color = 'rgb(255, 255, 255)'; } return $('') .css('color', '#323232') .css('background-color', backgroundColor); }; isNumber = function (n) { return !isNaN(parseFloat(n)) && isFinite(n); }; clearData = function ($e) { $e.removeData([ 'typePosition', 'highlightPosition', 'leftStop', 'rightStop', 'primaryColor', 'backgroundColor', 'text', 'typing' ]); }; type = function ($e) { var // position = $'typePosition'), text = $'text'), oldLeft = $'oldLeft'), oldRight = $'oldRight'); // if (!isNumber(position)) { // position = $'leftStop'); // } if (!text || text.length === 0) { clearData($e); return; } $e.text( oldLeft + text.charAt(0) + oldRight ).data({ oldLeft: oldLeft + text.charAt(0), text: text.substring(1) }); // $e.text($e.text() + text.substring(position, position + 1)); // $'typePosition', position + 1); setTimeout(function () { type($e); }, getTypeInterval()); }; clearText = function ($e) { $e.find('span').remove(); setTimeout(function () { type($e); }, typeDelay()); }; highlight = function ($e) { var position = $'highlightPosition'), leftText, highlightedText, rightText; if (!isNumber(position)) { position = $'rightStop') + 1; } if (position <= $'leftStop')) { setTimeout(function () { clearText($e); }, clearDelay()); return; } leftText = $e.text().substring(0, position - 1); highlightedText = $e.text().substring(position - 1, $'rightStop') + 1); rightText = $e.text().substring($'rightStop') + 1); $e.html(leftText) .append( spanWithColor( $'backgroundColor'), $'primaryColor') ) .append(highlightedText) ) .append(rightText); $'highlightPosition', position - 1); setTimeout(function () { return highlight($e); }, getHighlightInterval()); }; typeWithAttribute = function ($e) { var targets; if ($'typing')) { return; } try { targets = JSON.parse($e.attr($.typer.options.typerDataAttr)).targets; } catch (e) {} if (typeof targets === "undefined") { targets = $.map($e.attr($.typer.options.typerDataAttr).split(','), function (e) { return $.trim(e); }); } $e.typeTo(targets[Math.floor(Math.random()*targets.length)]); }; // Expose our options to the world. $.typer = (function () { return { options: options }; })(); $.extend($.typer, { options: options }); //-- Methods to attach to jQuery sets $.fn.typer = function() { var $elements = $(this); return $elements.each(function () { var $e = $(this); if (typeof $e.attr($.typer.options.typerDataAttr) === "undefined") { return; } typeWithAttribute($e); setInterval(function () { typeWithAttribute($e); }, typerInterval()); }); }; $.fn.typeTo = function (newString) { var $e = $(this), currentText = $e.text(), i = 0, j = 0; if (currentText === newString) { console.log("Our strings our equal, nothing to type"); return $e; } if (currentText !== $e.html()) { console.error("Typer does not work on elements with child elements."); return $e; } $'typing', true); while (currentText.charAt(i) === newString.charAt(i)) { i++; } while (currentText.rightChars(j) === newString.rightChars(j)) { j++; } newString = newString.substring(i, newString.length - j + 1); ${ oldLeft: currentText.substring(0, i), oldRight: currentText.rightChars(j - 1), leftStop: i, rightStop: currentText.length - j, primaryColor: $e.css('color'), backgroundColor: $e.css('background-color'), text: newString }); highlight($e); return $e; }; //-- Helper methods. These can one day be customized further to include things like ranges of delays. getHighlightInterval = function () { return $.typer.options.highlightSpeed; }; getTypeInterval = function () { return $.typer.options.typeSpeed; }, clearDelay = function () { return $.typer.options.clearDelay; }, typeDelay = function () { return $.typer.options.typeDelay; }; typerInterval = function () { return $.typer.options.typerInterval; }; })(jQuery);